Music Is Life

and Life Is Music. We create music.

Discover Burman Music Productions

Our vision is to present new music to the world – music for your mind, body and soul.

Karin and Peter Burman are the main figures in Burman Music Productions. We are passionate about making music. Keywords for the creative work is artistic freedom and independency. We write music as we hear it and want it to be, not to fit any particular market.  Visualizing our music through making videos is also a part of our work.


There are so many great musicians and composers out there, inspiring us to create. We get our kicks from a broad spectra of artists and producers of music- regardless what genre they originates from. Burman Music Productions hope to contribute to the field of music that appeals to the open minded listener who gives new music some time to grow.

“Creativity and artistic endeavors have a mission that goes far beyond just making music for the sake of music” Herbie Hancock